I Tested a $349 Headband to Take a Power Nap. It Put Me Right Out

The Elemind headband reads your brain waves and responds in real time with acoustic stimulation to help you fall asleep faster. Here's what happened when I tried it.`

Jan 2, 2025 - 16:40
 0  12
I Tested a $349 Headband to Take a Power Nap. It Put Me
Right Out
The Elemind headband reads your brain waves and responds in real time with acoustic stimulation to help you fall asleep faster. Here's what happened when I tried it.`
iShook Opinion "iShook Opinion" by Beni E Rachmanov, CEO & Founder of iShook. Explore captivating perspectives on entertainment, lifestyle, and sports at ishookdaily.com. Your go-to for engaging insights.