Breaking News: Director of Gaza's Shifa Hospital Arrested by Israeli Forces

byiShook Opinion
Nov 23, 2023 - 11:59


Breaking News: Director of Gaza's Shifa Hospital arrested amid allegations of Hamas command center involvement.

Israeli forces arrested Mohammad Abu Salmiya, the director of Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, on Thursday morning. Shin Bet security agency is questioning him, along with other hospital staff. The IDF and Shin Bet released a joint statement, expressing suspicions that Abu Salmiya facilitated the hospital's use as a command center for Hamas.

In a post on X, the Israeli army presented "indisputable evidence" confirming Al-Shifa hospital's role as a Hamas command center.

The statement affirmed the director's arrest for questioning. The situation is rapidly evolving, and we will continue to provide updates on this breaking news.

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